So, I figured, what better way to play catch up than with a quick list of five things that have been going on as of late with this nest of ours:
1 - It has been HOT and HUMID this past week. I mean, miserably so. When the thermometer outside reads 90+ degrees, and inside your house is reading 80 degrees even with fans, AC, and window units on... there isn't much else to do other than go dip yourself in the kiddie pool outback and chow down on ice cream.
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2 - In the same token, would you hate me if I said I'm ready for fall already? Just thinking about wearing layers and feeling that crisp, autumn air (instead of sweating my butt off in a t-shrit and shorts) has me all sorts of excited! Plus, fall = baby time!
3 - Even with this heat, I am ready (so ready!) to tackle baby boy's room. We were hoping to sand down the hardwoods in his room last weekend, but that ended up not happening. So, I sure hope that we can get it done this weekend. We have it basically all prepped, other than replacing a few boards near the door before we get started and the sander is on hold for us to rent at our local hardware store, so it looks like it's all green lights from here! My only concern with this floors is that they're old; and old floors creak. And babies and creaky wood floors do not mix well when you are trying to lay them down in their crib and sneak away, undetected. Perhaps the area rug we purchased will help cushion our footsteps just a little enough? We'll see! ;)
4 - Has anyone seen the trailer for The Girl on the Train, yet? Oh man, it looks super good! I loved Gone Girl and I feel like it has a similar dark, suspenseful vibe to it. So, last week I decided I should read the book to see how/if I really like it. Besides, I think it's best to ready books-turned-movies before you see the actual movie so you know more of the details that they just couldn't fit or had to change in the film to make it work.
I read the sample off of iBooks in, like, two minutes (I was hooked!) and had the hubs download it for me. I finished it that weekend since Peyton was away at the beach with some family and I had a little more time to myself. Seriously, so good, guys! I'll probably have to read it again before the movie comes out, since that isn't until the beginning of October... which should be when we're having a baby! So, who knows if the hubs and I will be going on a date to see it with my big belly in tow.
5 - I had to take my 28 week glucose test this week (I'm 29 weeks, 30 on Tuesday - oops!) and I was dreading it. I just had this feeling that it was going to come back high and that I would have to take the 3 hour test. Buuuuut, lucky me, I passed! Hashtag confetti cone emoji. I celebrated afterwards by indulging in some Dunkin Donuts, because tired mamas run on Dunkin, amiright?
6- (sorry, but I have to include this one!) Three years ago, this past Wednesday, I woke up to the sweetest and best thing a lady could wake up to: a marriage proposal! (Original post: here.) I can't believe it's been 3 years since that day that Nick asked me to spend forever with him, but at the same time, it seems like forever ago. This is going to sound cheesy, but I know that I am so blessed to be with someone who loves me the way he does and to spend our lives together, loving on our little ones, too.
That's all, folks! I'm hoping to be back soon with more nursery progress and life happenings.