Friday, July 29, 2016

Five on Friday

Life has been so crazy lately and I keep wanting to get on here to document all that is going on with us, but the time to do so just seems to elude me. And then when I do manage to find the time, this pregnancy has me run so ragged that I just want to lay on the couch and let my belly hang out, ha!

So, I figured, what better way to play catch up than with a quick list of five things that have been going on as of late with this nest of ours:

1 -  It has been HOT and HUMID this past week. I mean, miserably so. When the thermometer outside reads 90+ degrees, and inside your house is reading 80 degrees even with fans, AC, and window units on... there isn't much else to do other than go dip yourself in the kiddie pool outback and chow down on ice cream.
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2 - In the same token, would you hate me if I said I'm ready for fall already? Just thinking about wearing layers and feeling that crisp, autumn air (instead of sweating my butt off in a t-shrit and shorts) has me all sorts of excited! Plus, fall = baby time!

3 - Even with this heat, I am ready (so ready!) to tackle baby boy's room. We were hoping to sand down the hardwoods in his room last weekend, but that ended up not happening. So, I sure hope that we can get it done this weekend. We have it basically all prepped, other than replacing a few boards near the door before we get started and the sander is on hold for us to rent at our local hardware store, so it looks like it's all green lights from here! My only concern with this floors is that they're old; and old floors creak. And babies and creaky wood floors do not mix well when you are trying to lay them down in their crib and sneak away, undetected. Perhaps the area rug we purchased will help cushion our footsteps just a little enough? We'll see! ;)

4 - Has anyone seen the trailer for The Girl on the Train, yet? Oh man, it looks super good! I loved Gone Girl and I feel like it has a similar dark, suspenseful vibe to it. So, last week I decided I should read the book to see how/if I really like it. Besides, I think it's best to ready books-turned-movies before you see the actual movie so you know more of the details that they just couldn't fit or had to change in the film to make it work.

I read the sample off of iBooks in, like, two minutes (I was hooked!) and had the hubs download it for me. I finished it that weekend since Peyton was away at the beach with some family and I had a little more time to myself. Seriously, so good, guys! I'll probably have to read it again before the movie comes out, since that isn't until the beginning of October... which should be when we're having a baby! So, who knows if the hubs and I will be going on a date to see it with my big belly in tow.

5 - I had to take my 28 week glucose test this week (I'm 29 weeks, 30 on Tuesday - oops!) and I was dreading it. I just had this feeling that it was going to come back high and that I would have to take the 3 hour test. Buuuuut, lucky me, I passed! Hashtag confetti cone emoji. I celebrated afterwards by indulging in some Dunkin Donuts, because tired mamas run on Dunkin, amiright?

6- (sorry, but I have to include this one!) Three years ago, this past Wednesday, I woke up to the sweetest and best thing a lady could wake up to: a marriage proposal! (Original post: here.) I can't believe it's been 3 years since that day that Nick asked me to spend forever with him, but at the same time, it seems like forever ago. This is going to sound cheesy, but I know that I am so blessed to be with someone who loves me the way he does and to spend our lives together, loving on our little ones, too. 

That's all, folks! I'm hoping to be back soon with more nursery progress and life happenings.


Thursday, July 14, 2016

Our Third Baby Bird // Nursery Design Board

After much thought and hard work, I finally present to you the design board for our newest little man's nursery! I am so proud of the look that I've come up with thus far (it's always subject to change) and I am chomping at the bit to get started on making this dream come to fruition. 

whale print  //  swaddle blankets  //  cart  //  crib  //  floor pouf  //
wall decor  //  whale plush  //  small basket  // large basket  //  dresser  //
table lamp  //  floor lamp  //  whale shaker  //  rug

The whale print is pretty much where my design inspiration took off. When Nick and I initially began talking nursery design, he mentioned that he liked the idea of "under the sea". Now, as much as I love anything under the sea, I didn't want this space to be all bright colors and in-your-face sea creatures.

Peyton's nursery was a BRIGHT pink and orange and kind of overboard with the crib bedding, wallpaper border, lamp, mobile, etc. allllll matching. It was super cute... but just not where I want to go now. Even Everett's room was kind of a bold color choice, though his "theme" is way more toned down and I actually still love his room.

You can see Rhett's nursery reveal here.

I think I've learned my lesson that, although I love bold color choices, they are best saved for accents in a room and not an all over wall color - at least for my personal design taste anyways. I say this as I'm sitting in our TEAL living room... with the navy and yellow dining room right next door. To mention that I am dying to repaint the whole downstairs would be the understatement of the year.

But, I digress. I am really craving a super light gray color on the walls for this room. Just enough gray to give some contrast to all of the white pieces I am hoping to fill the room with, but light enough to keep the space bright and airy-feeling. 

Our next door neighbors moved not too long ago and one morning, they left this beautiful old rocking chair out on the curb for the garbage truck. Luckily, I scooped it right up and brought it over to our house and I have big plans to sand it down and paint it either white or a shade of blue or grey. I wanted a rocker/glider for little man's room and, since Rhett's current glider doesn't really match the design for this space, I was more than happy to come across this relatively inexpensive alternative!

Speaking of inexpensive alternatives, I LOVE the aqua floor pouf from Land of Nod... but also don't want to spend $100 on something to prop my feet up on. I'm hoping that maybe I can find some beautiful aqua colored yarn and knit my own cover for an ottoman that we already have; or maybe find some other (less expensive) option. But it sure is pretty. #swoon

We will be ripping up the carpet here soon and refinishing the hardwoods in his room, and I am pretty undecided regarding stain. Do we go dark? Light? Paint them?! So many options. So little ability to make a decision easily on my part. Oy. 

Overall, my idea is to keep it clean and simple, with basing the accent colors of the room off of the whale print - that I plan to purchase in either an 8x10 or 11x14 to place above the crib and hopefully have Nick build a simple wood frame for.

I feel like this will create an "under the sea" feel for the room, while not really being all about sea creatures and still keeping it neutral. What do you think? What would you add or take away?


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Our third baby bird // Nursery Progress

Wasn't it just yesterday that we were getting a room ready for Everett?! It sure feels like it. Except now we're prepping for our second little man to join us, and it is just as exciting! These are a few of the pins that I've come across that have inspired my design for little man numero dos' nursery:


I'm loving this color palette ^^ and can't wait to turn this room into the bright, airy space that I am envisioning. The thought is to go with a little bit of a whale theme, but not go overboard with it. Just enough to hint at the idea of it and give the room a little bit of direction.

This pregnancy has gone so very fast. I mean, I'm already at week 25. Which means there's only a little more than 14 weeks left to go at this point and that really only translates to about 3.5 months. When you think about the fact that pregnancy is basically a 10 month process... we're really down to what seems like the end of it here! That third trimester is right around the corner, my friends.

So, in true Eagle fashion, we are (and by we, I mean my husband is) having to work pretty hard on getting some substantial room renovating done before we can actually start putting together baby's nursery.

The room that we are putting baby in was dubbed "The Lizard Room" as it held a Bearded Dragon, Frilled Dragon, Vietnamese Mossy Frog, a Veiled Chameleon and a Chinchilla. Unfortunately, the Chinchilla and the Bearded Dragon both passed away recently, however the remaining animals were sent upstairs to the other half of the attic (opposite of where our bedroom currently is) to help clear out that room for little man #2. Because of there being lizards and technically a small rodent living in what is now "Baby's room", there is a whole lot of cleaning that needs done.

My main goal is to rip up the carpet that is in that room because 1- it's old, 2- the animals were stinky and I just want it gone, 3- there is a salad plate sized hole near one of the windows due to one of the heat lamps for the lizards falling and burning a perfect hole into the carpet (basically in the very first week that we moved into this house. So glad it didn't catch on fire and just stayed contained beneath the lamp!). Unfortunate as the hole in the carpet is, it actually revealed some pretty decent hardwoods underneath of it and since that day that we found out that little bit of information, I have been daydreaming of the potential that room holds with some pretty, refinished floors!


Neutral but with some blues thrown in. Whale inspired but not theme-overload. Simple and not over the top. Those are my thoughts going in to the design of this space for our new, sweet boy.

Can't wait to get the room cleared out, the floors finished, and start decorating. Like I said, little man will be here before we know it!
