Technically, we're over 37 and a half weeks. Which means we're almost 38 weeks. Which means this baby could come any day now! *cue the anxiety!*
I'd say we're so ready to meet him, but I just still feel so ridiculously unprepared.
Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled to finally meet this little man that has been growing inside of my belly all of this time... but, I am also slightly (okay, very) terrified of delivery and everything that goes with it.
For some reason, this time around just has me nervous and very anxious about what will happen when it comes time to have this little one. Peyton's delivery was the traditional "start contractions at home, time them, come in when they're this far apart, labor for a while, get your epidural, labor some more, push out that baby, tada - she's here!".
Rhett's ended up being an induction and it was so laid back and easy going, even for being an induction, that I just feel like we got really lucky to have such "easy" deliveries with those two.
For Nick and I, it always seems that we get shafted when it comes to good luck.
So, thinking that there is no way that this delivery is going to be as easy as the previous two isn't really that far-fetched. For our sake, though, I sure hope this little man proves us wrong and comes just as smoothly as his brother and sister.
Since I have done absolutely no bump updates here on the blog this time around, I figured we had better go ahead and do one, just for fun:
Size of Baby: a honeydew melon or a striped skunk (yes, really!) - about 6.17 pounds and 18.9 inches long (say the baby apps on my phone).
Weight Gain: Uhh, no clue. I think around 25-27ish? I can never remember what weight I started out as, so it's hard to add up the pounds, but I know that I started out heavier than I did with Everett.
Maternity Clothes: YES, yes and yes. That's really about all that works now. Or oversized shirts or dresses. It's starting to get cooler now. So, I may be able to pull out some of my maternity sweaters from when I was pregnant with Rhett.
Stretch marks: The same ones from last time and then I think that I can see a few beginning underneath my belly button. I have been trying so hard to keep my belly lotion-ed and my skin hydrated so that I do not end up with too many tiger stripes, but we'll see what happens these last few weeks.
Symptoms: heartburn, fatigue, lower back/sciatic pain and just being really, really uncomfortable. My body is physically ready to be done with this pregnancy... I just don't think I'm mentally ready yet. ;)
Cravings: ICE. Gimme all da ice. Our ice maker has been having issues crushing our ice, but I have no issues chewing on regular cubes. I did visit Sonic twice within the past two weeks and was in Heaven with their crushed ice - seriously, a pregnant lady's dream. As far as food, I could always go for a slice of pizza and now that it's getting cooler, I'm happy to indulge in items like chili or soups. But, again, the heartburn is making that kind of difficult these days.
Gender: boy, of course. Another little brother!
Mood: NERVOUS. Unprepared. Scared. Excited. Happy. But very anxious. I can't believe we're going to have THREE kids.
Nursery: is nearly complete! Just a few things left to do, like touch up the paint on the rocking chair and find/create some art for one of the frames.
Movement: Yes. Just less. Or maybe not so much "less" as, "less room for him to actually move around". He really does try to squirm and kick me, but with the position he's in (head down, on his left side, and legs up in my right side of my torso/ribs) it's just not easy for him to do anything other than karate kick a rib every once in a while.
Sleep: sleep? What sleep?
What I Miss: Being comfortable in my own body. Being able to get comfortable when I sit or lay down. Being comfortable when I'm standing. Not having heartburn.
Belly Button in or out? Out. All the way out, haha.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but snug as a bug in a rug.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really, thank goodness.
Best Moment This Week: Last night, my mom watched Peyton and Everett went to bed at his normal-ish 7:30pm bedtime. So, Nick and I binge watched Stranger Things on Netflix (so good!) and ate ice cream, while snuggled up on the couch. It was nice to just have a few hours of "us" time, because Lord knows we won't be getting much of that in the coming months. #thatnewbornparentlife
Labor Signs: a few contractions if I exert myself too much, but other than that, nothing too crazy.
Looking Forward To: 1- Finally feeling prepared and like this is actually, really happening. I don't know why we're still in shock over here. Maybe it's just because we didn't exactly plan for this pregnancy to happen when it did, so we never really were able to come to terms with the actual end result. 2- His car seat to arrive! We ordered it last Monday and it still hasn't come yet. Apparently, as of now, it's in Ohio and supposed to get here on Wednesday. Fingers crossed that baby doesn't come before then! 3- Picking a name for this sweet baby. I think we're narrowing down our list of names... I think. 4- Hopefully, Nick and I will be able to squeeze in an anniversary date-night before this little one's arrival, as our wedding anniversary is on October 4th. But, I'm not even sure we'll make it to October before delivering.. so, we'll see!
All in all, I just still can't believe it. Another little baby bird for the Eagle family. We'll be a family of FIVE - a whole hand's worth of people. I can't wait! ...but I can. Take your time, little one. This mama still has to pack our hospital bags :P