Sunday, October 11, 2015

7 months // Everett Orion

Baby boy, where is the time going?! Every month I ask myself that same question. It is amazing to me just how much you've grown in such a short amount of time. You are the happiest, smile-iest, sweetest baby and I am so beyond thrilled that we get to watch you learn and grow and just be you. Because you are just so. much. FUN!

Length| Unsure where you're at now, but you're still growing like a weed!

Weight| I just weighed you and you're around 22.9 lbs! I know of 1-year-old little ones who don't even weigh that much!! Though, I think your chunky, roll-y legs are leaning out a bit.

Hair| Growing, still. So hard to tell if it is going to be blonde or brown! 

Eyes| So bright and beautiful. Still hazel. Looking more like your Dada's than mine - but I'm okay with that :)

Nicknames| Rhett, Stinky Man, Baby Man, Chunk, Bud, Sir, Handsome Boy

Eats| You've started working on picking foods up on your own (think baby puffs and yogurt drops) and you are getting really good at it! So far you haven't really turned down any sort of food - you're our little vacuum cleaner (though, I hope you don't pick up the habit of eating dust bunnies when you start zooming around the house).

Sleep| Well Sir, lately you've been protesting your normal 9pm bedtime and have been trying to stay up for another few hours. The naps have been pretty decent (just yesterday you took a 1 hour nap around 7pm and you probably would've stayed asleep for a good while had we not woken you up). In fact, you're currently napping on your Dada, who is also napping with you.

Clothes| 9 month outfits are pretty snug now. 12 month clothes are definitely wear where it's at. ;)

Diapers| Size 4! We accidentally bought a different style at our last trip to the store, but they're still Pampers and there hasn't been any poop explosions yet - so, I'd call it a win!

Loves| Everybody. I don't think you've met a person that you didn't share your happy, shy smile with. // Smiling. Smiling is your favorite. // Wiggling around like a worm all day long. From the moment that you wake up, you are constantly moving at least one part of your body. // Your sister. You light up just seeing her face. // Looking at babies - whether it's yourself in the mirror, or in a picture/video, or pictures/videos of other little ones. I think you need a little baby best friend!

Dislikes| Still the same as everything from last month: boogie-picking, waiting for food, waiting for us to get you out of your car seat, & now when you've had enough of trying to crawl and want to be picked up.

Milestones| Speaking of crawling, you are full on crawling now! You still only manage to go a few short distances but I know it won't be long until you're following us all around the house. // Your dexterity continues to improve and you can now pick up little baby puffs and bring them to your mouth with little-to-no fuss. // You focus more intently on different things and just a little while ago you were trying to "pick up" Dad's tattoo off of his arm - so cute! // You are a master of sitting yourself up and you try so hard to pull yourself up to a standing position, even though that requires some major help from some one else... for now.

Events| Your Dada started a new job this past Monday! It's a shorter commute (meaning we get to have him home with us sooner!) and something new for him to do, which makes him happy. // Papa Ron and your Dad are trying to get some house projects done before winter and her freezing temperatures sets in. So far, they've removed a ton of the knob and tube wiring from the basement and re-wired portions of the house. Now, they're working on renovating the mudroom and I am so excited to see it come together! // We went to a "apple festival" (in quotes because I don't think I can really sell it as an apple event) and took a hay ride to get a pumpkin with Peyton and your cousin Noah/Aunt Rachie. // Oh, and on October 4th we celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary! I can't believe we've already been married a year! We left you with Gigi and your sister went to visit her Dad and we high-tailed it to this super nice restaurant for some cocktails and a yummy steak dinner. Though, I wish we could take you and your sister and fly away for a second honeymoon. Jamaica, I miss you! // Currently, we are gearing up to celebrate some birthdays this month and Halloween to soon follow.

Looking forward to what the next month holds, sweet man. I love you.
