Sweet baby man, it's already been 6 months?! What? Where did that time go? It seems so crazy to me that we are already celebrating your half birthday when it feels like just yesterday that you were born -- but in another sense, I can't imagine life without you anymore so it seems like you've always been with us. We love you so much, little chunk! 6 more months and we'll be celebrating one whole year of togetherness. You're the best. The happiest of babies. And you are all ours. We are so lucky.
Weight| 21.5 pounds of pure hunk a chunk (the 95th percentile)! Your head circumference is 18.25 inches which is off the charts, meaning you have a big ol' noggin like your Mama, haha.
Hair| Your hair is growing, finally! I am so happy to see those little peach fuzzies growing longer. They still seem to be wire-y like your Dadda's, which I'm hoping means that they will turn into curls. They also seem to be nice and light! You've started playing with your hair (or at least the little bit that you have) when you're sleepy and/or drinking a baba and it is the sweetest thing EVER.
Eyes| Still beautiful. Still "basil"-hazel. Still looking like mine ;)
Nicknames| Rhett, Little Man, Stinky Man, Baby Boy, Sweet Boy, Bud, Sassy Man, Handsome
Sleep| The four month sleep regression is a thing of the past (thank goodness!). Though, you still wake up about once (mayyyybe twice) a night for a few ounces from your baba. You're co-sleeping with us and I truly love it - waking up to your sweet face is just so much fun. Your bassinet is just sitting there, collecting dust so maybe it's about time that we pack that thing up for the time being.
Clothes| I don't know what I'm going to do with you. Your little legs are so chunky that even 12 month pants are even snug! But you are just barely filling out 9 month onesies. We can squeeze you in to some 6 month outfits, but 9 month clothing seems to be more comfortable for you, for sure.
Diapers| Size 4s are still holding strong, thank goodness!
Loves| Being happy. Seriously, you are the happiest baby that I have ever met and we just love every single second with you! // Moving. From the second you wake up, you are on. the. go. // Bath time! You love to kick your little feet-ies around in the water and splash us so that we're just as soaked as you are. // Rory. You've started to notice her more and when you reach for her little paws or try to snuggle up next to her, oh it melts my mama heart. // Your little fox and hedgehog music toy, our comforter, and the fish (same as last month). // You also go bonkers looking at pictures or videos of yourself, your sister, or other babies in general; so precious!
Dislikes| the boogie monster (aka me, when you have a cliffhanger and I just can't bare to let it sit there any longer) // Waiting for food. // Waiting on someone to come pick you up when you've had enough of tummy time/scooting around on the floor. // Waiting until we get home or to our destination if you have simply had enough of being in your car seat. // Basically, you are just like your Mama and wait for nothing.
Milestones| You have teeth! Just this past week they popped through. First one and then the second soon followed - both your bottom front teeth to be exact. They've made you fuss a little but you're still the happiest baby in the universe, so we'll forgive them. // You're also up on all fours, scooting all over the place! It's amazing how much you're learning and just how fast you're learning it. I am sure that you will be full blown crawling by the time next month rolls around. You are a master at rocking back and forth on your hands and knees, as well as launching yourself in the direction that you want to go. In fact, you can spin around in circles like a top while you lay on your belly. You are our little mover and groover and I love every bit of it. // You are also eating solid (baby) foods like a champ, but we already talked about that. // Your chubby little hands are getting better at grasping things every day and you are getting increasingly better at holding things on your own, like your babas. // You love to babble on and squeal and shriek, especially when you're in your high chair at GiGi & Papa Ron's house - it's so much fun listening to you listen to your voice.
Events| This past month was pretty much the ending to our long hot summer and with that, Peyton started 1st grade! I can't even believe it. I mean, I can but... wasn't she just starting preschool last week?! Craziness. // You finally had the chance to meet all of your Grammy's sisters. The Great Aunts and Uncle all came to town for their annual pilgrimage to sweet Grammy's home to spend a week together laughing their dear little butts off and playing cards into the wee hours of the night. They, of course, loved every single inch of you! I mean, who doesn't? (Nobody, the answer is nobody.) ;) // I spent one Saturday with Aunt Nenna, GiGi, and Papa Ron helping to move Nen into her new NYC apartment since she started her senior year a few weeks ago. I can't believe that she's a college senior already. People are growing up so darn fast! Don't you rush to grow up, mister. You will be a baby forever, yes? Yes. Moving on... // Luckily, your Dadda seems to be on his way to getting a new job (it's only taken a year and a half of job hunting) and for the time being he has picked up some overtime on the weekends with his current job - which means: I am currently not working at Pier 1 on the weekends and have those 2 days a week to dedicated to time spent with you, your sister, and your Dad. It is SO nice. We had one taste of a cooler fall day and I can not wait to enjoy all things pumpkin and spice with you and your Dada and sister.