Where did the past 3 months go?!
Little man, being your mama is such a privilege. I love you and your sister (and your dada) with all of my heart. I can't believe how big you already! You have grown SO much in these short three months and I am already wishing we could rewind to those precious newborn days. The time is flying and I know all too well that the saying "babies don't keep" is completely true. I mean, just look at your sister! Just yesterday she was the little baby and now she's 6 years old. I'm afraid to blink. But I love the view. I love you.
Weight| The chunkiest of the chunkiest. At your 2 month appt you were 14 pounds 8.0 oz (the 90th percentile)! Even your rolls have rolls, and you are so scrumptious.
Hair| Your hair has most certainly thinned out upon looking at older pictures of you, but you don't have any bald spots (yet!), so that's a plus. It is even looking like it might be changing to a lighter brown or a dark blonde, so I'm excited to see where it goes from here!
Eyes| Looking more and more hazel as the days go by - which is a good thing considering your mom and dad both have hazel eyes ;)
Nicknames| Rhett, Little Man, Baby Boy, Stinky Butt/Bum/Boy, Chunky Butt, + Hunk-a-Chunk.
Sleep| Still our rock-star sleeper. Granted, you don't sleep in your crib just yet (fine with me!), and you still wake up once or twice a night - but you do sleep far more than most babies your age and we are so grateful! ;) It has been so hot and you are getting so big, so we don't always swaddle you at bedtime anymore, but you sleep just the same regardless. You never take the same amount of naps everyday. In fact, today you slept all day long and one of those naps happened to be a four hour long one - lets hope that doesn't affect your sleep tonight!
Clothes| 0-3 month no longer works for your chunky 3 month body, but you are fitting in anything from 3 months to 6 months (yikes!). Your most worn outfit is simply a short sleeved onesie because, like I said, it is just far too hot for excessive clothing or blankets.
Diapers| We've graduated to size 2! Your little bum just couldn't squeeze into those size 1s any longer. We received a trial of Honest diapers and wipes but to be honest (honest about Honest? ha!), I haven't put any on you just yet because they are just too cute to fill with poop!
Loves| You are still just about the happiest baby I have ever met. You love to munch on your hands and you hold your hands together when drinking your bottle and I think it is the cutest. I never want to forget the way you do that. You also love to pull your blankets close to you and to gnaw on them.
Dislikes| All of the same ones as last month, for sure - mamaroo, boogies/having your nose touched in general, and waiting for food when you are hungry.
Milestones| Still smiling like a fool. And cooing and talking all of the time. You're working on your rolling over, too - just you have a hard time getting over that shoulder that's in your way! In fact, today you rolled over on your own and I was so proud that I picked you right up and kissed you all over. You're practically sitting up (with some help) and that is such a jump from simply holding your head up a month ago. You're so close to being ready to sit in your bumbo seat. Lately, you have begun sucking in your bottom lip. You have completely discovered your hands + when they aren't in your mouth or holding on to each other, you have them raised up and you are intensely focused on their every move. You use them more frequently to reach up and grab a hold of the toys hanging from your kick n' play piano mat and your dexterity keeps getting better as the days go by.
Events| Your sister is all done school and is officially a 1st grader! My cousin Haley also graduated from high school, which seems so weird because, to me, she is still just a little girl. But now shes old enough to go to college... what?! Craziness. So, summer has officially begun. We went strawberry picking last weekend and picked enough to feed a small army (in fact, we still have a very large tub of them left over). Your dad and I have so many house projects on our minds and are itching to get some of them started!