Thursday, January 8, 2015

31 weeks // bump update

How Far Along? 31 weeks. I still can't get over the fact that I'm in my 30's now... and that I can count on my hands the number of weeks left until baby's arrival! The weeks seem to be flying by, especially with the holiday season over and done with now, so I'm sure I'll blink and the day will be here.

Size of Baby: baby should be measuring around the size of a pineapple or coconut now! (All of this tropical fruit talk has me seriously missing our honey/babymoon.) Ironically enough, I've been craving pineapple this week as well! He should be over 16 inches long at this point and weighing approximately 3.3 pounds!

Weight Gain:  Well, with being sick this last week I had ended up losing around 5 pounds. I've gained 3 of those pounds back as of this afternoon, though - no worries ;)

Maternity Clothes: duh.

Stretch marks: no, no. Nothing new to report here.

Symptoms: the sickness is on it's way out (thank goodness!) so I'm feeling much, much better in that aspect. However, some other not-so-fun pregnancy symptoms have decided to show up to the party this week. I have some serious acid reflux/heartburn that required a TUMS purchase this weekend. I've even woken up during the night the past few nights from it - therefore, I've been having to sleep propped up on my bumpnest (seriously, that thing is such a miracle worker and life saver all wrapped into one big, comfy pillow). On top of that, little man is taking up so much space in there that I have had a very noticeable lack of lung space in there as well. It's all day long and makes my breathing so labored. I'll be happy when/if he decides to drop farther down into my pelvis so I can breathe again! Aaaand just for the record, the peeing when I cough/sneeze still hasn't let up... yay for me, haha.

Cravings:  finally, I have some cravings to report! This week it's been an Arby's beef n' cheddar, fruit loops, frosted shredded wheat, poptarts, a fluffer-nutter, pineapple/peaches/pears/apples,  chocolate, and margherita pizza! YUM.

Gender: still our handsome little man.

Mood: anxious! excited and happy. We have FINALLY had the carpet installed in the attic, so now we can move on to baby's room!

Nursery: we have decided on a wall color and hopefully Nick will be able to pick up the paint on his way home tomorrow evening. Therefore, we'll hopefully be able to paint baby's room this weekend and then we can start putting together the crib, purchase the rocker, and get everything rolling so that little man has a space of his own!

Movement: Ohh yes. And it has started to become the slower, but stronger "Swedish massage" type of movements typical of the last few weeks of pregnancy. Baby boy LOVES to kick and punch my cervix, too... which is so ridiculously uncomfortable and just flat out weird feeling. 

Sleep: Pretty decent (aside from the heartburn), though I do wake up at least once a night for a trip to the restroom so I can empty my bladder.

What I Miss:  warm weather! It has been absolutely freezing cold here lately, especially with the windchill. I am hoping that it won't be quite this cold outside when baby is due - just in case, I've been trying to hunt down some good deals on super cozy newborn onesies to keep him nice and toasty.

Belly Button in or out? 
 Out. Wayyy out.

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  just the heartburn, really. 

Best Moment This Week: Date Night with my handsome husband to go out and find a margherita pizza to satisfy my pregnancy cravings, haha. We don't often go out just the two of us, so it was nice to just relax and be together as a couple -- and to eat yummy pizza, of course!

Labor Signs:  no way, Jose. Though, I do feel like my stomach contracts slightly if I have to do a lot of walking up and down stairs at work.

Looking Forward To: putting baby's room together in the coming weeks! I simply can't wait to see how it all turns out and I will just be so relieved when we finally have his space set up and everything ready for his arrival.


Friday, January 2, 2015

30 weeks // bump update

How Far Along? 30 weeks. That leaves only 10 weeks until D-Day. Saying baby doesn't come early for some reason... Oh goodness, this baby better not come early. We have NOTHING ready! Weren't we just 10 weeks pregnant last week?? How is time flying so quickly? I have heard that the last month drags, so let's hope that what happens! Because we have so much left to do - ie: the ENTIRE nursery.

Size of Baby: a cucumber or butternut squash! Ranging anywhere from 15.2 to 17 inches long and 2.5 to 3.8 lbs! Considering I weighed 3lbs 14oz when I was born (I was a preemie baby), I think it's just downright crazy to think that baby is potentially as big as I was when I was born and that he really could come any time he likes... We are so not prepared, buuut it would be so amazing to finally meet him!

Weight Gain:  around 162 lbs at this point. So, about 19 lbs total. The holiday feasting hasn't helped keep that number at bay, that's for sure ;)

Maternity Clothes: yes. always.

Stretch marks: no, thank goodness! Though, I can't see the underside of my belly any longer, so who knows how that's looking.

Symptoms: well, it's hard to tell what is due to pregnancy and what is due to the miserable sickness that I have had the past few days. I have been coughing, my sinuses have been draining, headaches, nausea, did I mention coughing? It's just been downright miserable. My OB has me taking these ginormous horse pills antibiotics 3 times a day so hopefully that kicks this sickness out of here STAT. Although, I can tell you one thing that is definitely a pregnancy symptom... with all of this coughing that I have been doing, I have noticed that if I don't regularly empty my bladder, the coughs tend to try to do that for me. Oops! Talk about embarrassing.

Cravings:  still no real cravings. Though, I could always go for some more of the endless nachos we had while on our honeymoon. In fact, I did purchase some tortilla chips and a can of queso at the store the last time I went. YUM.

Gender: boy!

Mood: sick. miserably sick. anxious (as always). excited. 

Nursery: measurements for the attic carpet were completed so now we just have to wait for the materials to come in and for HD to schedule an installation date and we can FINALLY get to work on baby's woodland themed nursery. I ordered this print when it was on sale last week and I am so excited to move forward with the rest of the decor once we have the available space!

Movement: Yes, yes, yes! He hasn't been enjoying all of the coughing fits that I've been having, but aside from that, he's been having plenty of fun in there. At my appointment last week, the doctor took a look for us on the ultrasound machine and informed us that baby is, in fact, breech/transverse... Which hopefully doesn't last long! I don't know how I feel about having a cesarean - it actually really scares the poop out of me, to be honest.

Sleep: Well, I have been sleeping pretty terribly thanks to this sickness. Being sick + regular pregnancy insomnia, just does not make for a fun night. 

What I Miss:  being able to take regular medicine! Being pregnant really narrows down your options on what you can take to help you feel better. Also, the "adult" eggnog at our Christmas get-togethers this week really looked delicious. Can't wait to indulge in a delicious holiday beverage next year ;)

Belly Button in or out? 
 Out, of course.

Wedding rings on or off? On, thank goodness.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  see all above mentions of this darn illness I've fighting.

Best Moment This Week: CHRISTMAS, of course. All of our sweet little traditions we have started and the fact that this was our last Christmas as a family of three and our first Christmas as a married couple. Aside from being sick, I was loving every minute of it.

Labor Signs:  no - please don't let those start happening anytime soon!

Looking Forward To: feeling better! and completing this darn attic project!
