Thursday, December 17, 2015

9 months || Everett Orion

9 months in, 9 months out! From here on out you'll have been outside of my belly longer than you were in it and that just makes me sad. I can't believe you're already N I N E  whole months old. Where does the time go?  Just... where? Before I know it, I'm gonna turn around and you'll be nine YEARS old. But, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.
^^ do you spy those two tiny front teeth? ^^
Length| So tall! I don't have an exact height/length for you right now. I'll get ya at your 10 month mark, promise.

Weight| About 25lbs. Super chunk. I mean, you're just the most scrumptious butterball I've ever seen.

Hair| Nothing new or crazy to report. Your hair is still growing steadily. It's definitely wiry like your Dadda's, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some sweet baby curls in your future!

Eyes| So bright and happy, as always.

^^ what it's like trying to take pictures of you nowadays :P ^^
Nicknames| Rhett, Stinky man, Honey man, Little man, you get the picture ;)

Eats| Puffs, puffs, and more puffs. Cheese. All sorts of baby foods. You seem to really like fruit, but you are honestly willing to eat just about anything. Which is awesome! Pickles and lemons don't even phase you. Also to be noted, we were at the store this weekend and I realized that we only have a few more months of buying formula - thank goodness!

Sleep| Keep up the awesome sleeping habits, sweet man! You are down for the count anywhere between 7:30 and 8:30 (sometimes 8:45ish if you're feeling rambunctious). You nap fairly regularly. I can almost always count on you to fall asleep on the ride home from GiGi's around 3ish for a few minutes. Though, your sister has been giving us quite the run for our money when it comes to bedtime. Ever since she got this GI bug a few weeks ago, shes been waking up in the middle of the night 1-2 times a night just crying and calling for us. Nothing is ever really wrong, but she just wants us to come comfort her and stay with her. Poor girl. I am just thankful that you aren't both up and calling for us all hours of the night. #knockonwood

Clothes| I'd say that we're limited to 12-18 month clothes. It's so crazy to think that you once fit into a newborn onesie... I mean, how were you ever that small when you're so big now?!

Diapers| Size 4, still. And back to the pampers. You potty trained yet?

^^ selfie? ^^
^^ I luuuuuurve your chunky legs, sir ^^

Loves| Mom, Dad, Sister, EVERYONE. // Everything that we talked about last month (which is basically everything in the world). // Being silly and laughing. // Crawling ALL OVER the place so super fast and getting into anything and everything. Especially when you know one of us is chasing after you and you think you're escaping. ;) // When we get ready to go out to the bus stop when Peyton comes home; I swear you know what's happening and that you soon get to see her. // Eating! Good gravy, to you love to eat. // Being naked. If it wasn't for the fact that you would make a huge mess without a diaper on, I am 100% certain you would be pleased as punch to roam the house sans-diaper. // The Christmas tree. I've caught you quite a few times trying to pull off some ornaments or just grab a hold of the branches. // Taking off your shoes and socks, especially in the car. // Trying to rip out my hair on the daily, haha.

Dislikes| Everything that I said last month! Ha. Which included: Being tired but not wanting to go to bed. // Not being held when you're cranky. Or tired. Or when you just want to be held. // Still not a fan of Mama trying to get your boogies out of your nose. Don't think that will ever change. // Having your diaper changed! Oh my word, has this gotten so difficult. You want nothing to do with diapie changes anymore. The second we lay you down on the changing pad, you fuss and try to flip yourself over immediately! Sometimes it takes two people just to keep you belly-up for the single minute it takes to get a new diaper on you. // The same goes for changing your clothes. Such. A. Hassle! // Being confined to your jumper or your walker for any period of time, unless you're in a really happy mood.

Milestones| You can say Mama now! and all sorts of other gibberish including but not limited to: rara, mama, dabama, and ahhhhhbda. // You can stand up all on your own for a handful of seconds and I am sure that you will be walking running around in no time flat. // You are becoming even more interested in eating whatever food we are eating and you even go as far as to try to drink out of my glass with me whenever I take a sip of something. // Along the same lines, your dexterity is improving to the point that whatever you pick up with your tiny (I mean chubby) pincher fingers actually goes in your mouth with better aim now. // You are also becoming more conscious of when you are doing something bad... but you think it's hilarious! Oh man, are we in for some trouble.

Events| Still working on finishing up that mudroom! We'll get there, though. We've just had a few hiccups. // We went to visit Mama's friend Kristin and her sweet new baby boy, Adrian. I can't wait to see you two grow up together since you are only a few months apart. // We celebrated Thanksgiving and it was so much fun! Love me some turkey dinner. // You met Santa for the first time! We went to Rocky Ridge Christmas Magic with your sister and your cousin Noah and you loved looking at all of the lights. // Before that even, we went and got your first Christmas tree! We were on the ball this year and went the Saturday after Thanksgiving to pick one out. Normally, we're scrambling to get to the tree farm around the middle of December. // Christmas is sneaking up so quick and I have been so thrilled preparing for the holiday with you and your sister. This year is our year to have Peyton with us on Christmas morning and I remember how excited I was when I realized last year that you two would be able to spend your first Christmas morning together.


Thursday, December 10, 2015

how I'm feeling

Sometimes life can get a little crazy, ya know?

There's stress everywhere you turn. Especially around the holidays.

No matter how hard you try to be positive, the negativity can just catch up with you.

The kids are driving you up the wall, the laundry is piled waaaay too high (clean and dirty, in multiple areas of the house), the sink has become a mountain of dirty dishes and you haven't had a shower in an embarrassing number of days. You feel like you don't get anything accomplished and that every day seems to mull together into one big blur of work, kids, eat, sleep, repeat. And can I just say one more thing? Bills.

But. There's always a but isn't there?

Those are such minuscule things.

I can honestly look at those "complaints" and come back with:

Those kids driving you crazy?... they're YOUR babies. Your precious little ones that bring so much joy and happiness to your world. Do you know how many people dream and pray to have sweet children of their own? Do you know how lucky you are?

That laundry? Well, 1- you are fortunate enough to not only have money to buy clothes, but also to have running water to wash them in. 2-So what if they sit in piles? Instead of spending your evenings arduously folding laundry, you chose to spend it with your family.

The dishes? Same thing.

The shower? Eh. One day. One day there will come a time when you can take an uninterrupted, lengthy shower. And it will be glorious. Absolutely glorious. But for now, just buy stock in dry shampoo and baby wipes.

Having to go to work everyday? YOU HAVE A JOB. You have the means to provide for you family. You have another purpose in life, outside of the home. You are a part of a team.

Bills to pay? You have heat, electric, reliable cars, food to eat, health insurance, you get the picture. Money is not everything.

Family is everything and happiness is what you make it. Cheesy, corny goodness - but it's the truth!

It's important to take a step back every now and then to realize what exactly you are taking for granted.

Take a deep breath. You've got this. Life is good. Oh, so good.


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Christmas Wishlist - 2015

Dream big or go home, right? That is the theme of this year's wishlist. There are a few items that are realistic and necessary... and then there are the extras that are more of a luxury than a necessity.

One | I have been using the same phone case for nearly a year now (which is a serious record for me, let me tell you). I am loving this Indigo case from Sonix for a fancy, decorative case. Then, there is the practical and protective Lifeproof case (which makes much more sense having a six year old and an 8 month old, since both like to steal my phone frequently).

Two | Y'all should see the current condition of our measuring cups and spoons. We have been using them since we moved into our apartment years ago and they have taken a serious beating. These stainless steel ones would be a perfect new addition to our kitchen and I am sure that they would be used just about everyday.

Three | In the same token, our poor pots and pans have just about had enough. They weren't super high quality to begin with, so after daily use for years, they've just given up. This set not only looks pretty, but looks like it would function perfectly for our family.

Four | I take it back, the theme of this wishlist must be "Sara has been using this for far too long and needs would like a new one". Since August of 2013, I have practically been using my beloved target tote bag every day (with a few brief stints of a diaper bag/purse and the comebacks of one or two old purses). I saw this crochet pocket bag on a lady at the Christmas tree farm we went to yesterday, and I fell in love. I've been looking for a cute cross-body bag, and this one totally fits the bill.

Five | These chairs! Oh, I love these chairs. Again, we have had the same clearance-purchase counter stools for years. I never truly loved the ones we have, but I think these Carlisle stools would just be the perfect pair. I realized, after I made this picture, that I actually had looked up bar stools and it turns out that the counter stools aren't actually available right now - which is a serious bummer. But, I have my fingers crossed that they will be available again one day! They do come in a back-less version... but with having little ones around the house, I think we're definitely going to need the backs.

Six | On the weekends, I basically live in comfy pajamas and this thermal night shirt looks like it is right up my alley. And the way it covers your hands and has the thumb holes? Oh that is COZY with a capital C.

Seven | One can never have too many travel mugs! In fact, I really don't have any good quality ones as of late. I broke my favorite Starbucks foxy mug from years ago and the cheap-o ones I purchased from Walmart just don't keep my coffee warm enough now that the temps are dropping outside. This Keurig mug would be perfect, especially since it would fit beneath the coffee machine just right.

Eight | I love, love, love Bath and Body Works' candles! Gosh, they all smell so good. But this Mahogany Teakwood Candle takes the cake. I don't frequently purchase candles; However, when I do they burn almost all day long. There is just something so comforting, especially during the winter months, about having a candle burning at home.


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Oh boy, y'all. My heart (and my stomach!) are so full.

Thanksgiving is my favorite. The food. The family. The love. The gratitude. I adore it all.

My duties this year were to make something chocolate-y (Paula Deen's Pine Bark - so rich but super tasty) and pumpkin bread. Somehow, our traditional green bean casserole got nixed from the food list but that was okay because there was so much other food to consume the day of.
On the big day, we woke up slow. Thankfully we didn't have to make too much food since the majority was done the night before. Peyton was dying to make some homemade cranberry juice as a special treat for everyone, so we prepared that via this recipe.

While the cranberries were simmering on the stove, Peyton decorated the chalkboard with a beautiful turkey and this little stink ate some breakfast, as he supervised the kitchen happenings. 

As breakfast was munched and the parade played on the television, we then decorated place cards for everyone that would be attending dinner - Peyton's idea. She is so crafty, that little one of mine.

This year's feast was held at my Aunt's house and to say that her dining room was packed with family would be an understatement. Everything was delicious, of course. And everyone enjoyed each other's company, of course.

^^the obligatory thanksgiving dinner plate picture^^

After everyone stuffed their bellies full of all of the delicious food, we took the party outside to take some family pictures. AND we even got some decent ones! #doublehighfiveemoji

^^poor quality iPhone picture, but look! We're all in a picture together!^^

The evening finished out with singing "Happy Birthday" to my Uncle Bob, everyone enjoying the most delectable of desserts and Rhett playing with pots and pans in the kitchen. We didn't even do black friday shopping this year!! It was so nice to not be out in the stores until dawn, for once.

I can't believe that next year, Everett will be 20 months old! and Peyton will be 7, almost 8! Gosh, time sure does fly. I am grateful that I have so much to be thankful for and I can only hope that next Thanksgiving will be as wonderful. Now excuse me as I go raid the fridge for some leftovers.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

8 months // Everett Orion

Length| Just about 28 inches!

Weight| 23.5 pounds. I think you're starting to plateau a little bit with your chunkiness. But I'm perfectly okay with that! Stay my little (not-so-tiny) baby forever? Yes? Okay. Glad that's settled.

Hair| You have quite a few lengthy hairs on top of that big ol' noggin of yours. But it's still really not that long. It seems to be getting thicker though, so we're on the right track.

Eyes| Still hazel, just like your Mama and Dada's.

Nicknames| Rhett, Sir Chunks-A-Lot, and any combination of chunky man, baby boy, little man, sweet boy, sweet man, etc.

Eats| You love your puffs! And graham crackers. And fried plantains. And dust bunnies. And toys. And basically anything you can get your chunky little hands on. In all seriousness though, you eat just about anything that we try to feed you. Which is way different than your sister's current eating habits. ;) Let's hope we can continue to keep your diet so varied, even for so little a person.

Sleep| You are such a rock star sleeper, Everett! Gone are the days of bedtime protesting (as long as you aren't overly tired and cranky). You fall asleep around 9pm and wake up somewhere between 6 and 8 - mostly around 7/7:30am.

Clothes| Well, today I squeezed you into 6-9 month pants but they are certainly busting at the seams. Your wardrobe ranges from 6-9 mo. all the way up to 18 mo.! We just went through all of your drawers and put away the 0-6 month items (which made me so very sad). I can't even believe that you once fit into those tiny newborn onesies. So little!

Diapers| Still size 4. No diaper upgrades just yet! Though, we are currently using those Huggies I'd mentioned last month and even though I don't mind them, I think when we get more at the store, we'll go back to the Pampers.

Loves| Everybody! Still. You love to eat. You love to chew on anything and everything, particularly magazines and your toys. Speaking of toys, you are absolutely bonkers about THIS one. It is your favorite-est toy in the whole wide world. I don't know what we would do if we ever lost it. CRAWLING- and just being a squirm in general. You have always loved when I say "TOES!". Remotes, phones, and anything else you aren't supposed to have (like the cat and dog's food bowls, gross!). // Bath time! You are such a little water babe and love to splash around in your tub. It makes me wish we had a regular sized tub to bathe you in (and, let's be real, for mama to take her own bubble baths in) but for now, we don't. One day, that will happen, though!

Dislikes| Being tired but not wanting to go to bed. // Not being held when you're cranky. Or tired. Or when you just want to be held. // Still not a fan of Mama trying to get your boogies out of your nose. Don't think that will ever change. // Having your diaper changed! Oh my word, has this gotten so difficult. You want nothing to do with diapie changes anymore. The second we lay you down on the changing pad, you fuss and try to flip yourself over immediately! Sometimes it takes two people just to keep you belly-up for the single minute it takes to get a new diaper on you. // The same goes for changing your clothes. Such. A. Hassle! // Being confined to your jumper or your walker for any period of time, unless you're in a really happy mood.

Milestones| You are a not-so-lean, not-mean-at-all, crawling machine! You zoom all over the house, no problem. We've had to start being more mindful of the things that we leave on the floor or within reach of your tiny little hands. // You can pull yourself up on just about anything and we officially had to lower your crib (the whole way down!). // You will walk while one of us is walking with you, bent over to hold your little hands. // You said your first word!! And it was "Dada". Sure, I was hoping it would be my name ;) ... but watching your Dad's face light up when we heard that word come out of your mouth was priceless. A moment and a feeling that I will not soon forget. // You've started playing peek-a-boo! For a while, one of us would hold you and sway back and forth in a doorway or behind a wall to play peek-a-boo with the other - but now you lean forward and backward all on your own and it is the cutest thing ever! Though, I think everything you do is the cutest thing ever, as parents do. // You have FOUR teeth now! Both bottom and both top in the front. I sure hope you keep that gap between your top two, just like your Dada ;)

Events| Well, the mudroom that your Dad and Papa Ron are working so hard on renovating, is almost a completed project! #highfivesallaround // Your Dada turned 29... which means he'll be 30 next year. Which means he's definitely an old man! + Papa Ron turned 60 this year. Craziness! We celebrated with Mexican food and margaritas (Not you, though. You just had a baba ;)). // Halloween! You have your first Halloween in the books and, naturally, you dressed up as a tiny, muscle-clad Batman. Your sister, however, made a perfectly beautiful little witch and was more than happy to collect all of the candy for the both of you. We carved pumpkins and watched Charlie Brown. It was a good holiday, for sure. // We have been lucky enough to have GiGi around to watch you every weekday while your Dad and I are at work, but her schedule has gone through a mandatory change with her work that resulted in me having to go part-time at my job. It's bad because that means less in our bank account each month, BUT it's also absolutely great because that just means more time spent with you and your sister during the day. // I am anxiously awaiting this upcoming holiday season so that we can celebrate your first Thanksgiving and Christmas... and to eat some delicious holiday meals because they're my most favorite of the year. I am hoping to start new traditions with you and Peyton that you two will (hopefully) remember forever and maybe pass on to each of your children once day. Being both of your mama is my favorite. I love you, sweet stinky sir.
