*Insert apologetic introductory paragraph explaining my absence from this place.*
In reality, I just have not had the time;
Or, when I have had the time, I have spent it relaxing on the couch with a cup of hot chocolate in hand, instead. This new-homeowner business is tiring stuff, y'all!
So, without further ado, here are a few shots of our wonderful Turkey-day!
It's true. I could not be more thankful to have such an amazing man to spend the rest of my life with.
He is just perfectly perfect.
He even made us some fabulous breakfast to munch on before we went back to watching the parade.
Side note: My love for Johnsonville breakfast sausage knows no bounds.
Next up, it was cookie-baking time! We seriously need a kitchen island.
The floor just doesn't cut it.
But at least my helper is super adorable!;)
Peyton's little wreath she made in preschool.
I absolutely love having all of her little crafts covering the fridge and wherever else I can manage to hang them.
We were supposed to be at my Grammy's house for "dinner"by 1pm,
but naturally we didn't get there until a little after 1pm.
I am chronically running behind.
The spread was FABULOUS, of course.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, beats holiday dinners at my Grammy's.
Nick and I provided the green bean casserole {recipe here}.
There was homemade stuffing, my momma's sweet potatoes, baked cabbage, cranberry relish, mashed potatoes, and OF COURSE there was the most delectable turkey you ever laid your taste buds on.
Trying to get Peyton to finish a meal these days is like pulling teeth. We are always finished before her and somehow I {in this case, Grammy} get suckered into feeding her the food so she'll actually finish it.
After all of the dishes were cleaned up, we popped outside for a few pictures together.
Peyton had her turkey dress on, thank goodness it still fit from last year!
I love this family of mine.
Just love, love, love them all to pieces.
This here is my Great {Peyton's Great-Great} Uncle Charlie, my Grammy's brother.
He is an excellent craftsman and makes all sorts of wooden decorative pieces.
And he absolutely adores Peyton, or "Pe-Pe" as he calls her. :)
Peyton and little Grammy.
They're both so beautiful.
And then the weirdest thing happened...
CHICKENS showed up to the party!
They apparently belong to my Grammy's new neighbors.
But, I think they were just there to flaunt the fact that they were not the poultry-of-choice that day! ;) Ha!
Peyton was loving every minute of it.
My dad brought out some of the leftover rolls from dinner and we all sat around feeding them until they had had enough {which, coincidentally, was about the same time that we all declared we were frozen}.
We spent the rest of the evening lounging on the couch and watching football and raiding the fridge for leftovers.
Unfortunately, the Steelers didn't pull out a win over the Ravens, but it was still a great day, nonetheless.
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of time spent with family and second {or third or fourth...} helpings of turkey and stuffing!